Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Carnival: To Be a Kid Again...

The carnival was in town for the yearly summer festival and what a better photo opportunity for me; I needed a break from editing some pictures and a little bit of inspiration and VOILA! So, I got out there and captured some things that make childhood so enjoyable! Wee!!!!!


Monday, August 1, 2011

"THE" Bag: 4 Days That I Will Never Get Back

So, I'm an artsy-fartsy kind of person and the average camera bag is too "usuiting" for me; I needed something with my stamp of approval on it, something custom made for what I need it to do, something with that little extra personal touch to it that makes it as inspirational and as enjoyable as the equipment inside. I had seen a bag that I LOVED that did just that, except for two things: it didn't have enough compartments for me and that it was $110.00... So, I got my crafty boots on, needle, thread, batting, cloth and many bloody fingers for 4 days, but it was worth it and it turned out amazing. I did learn something from this whole experience though: I am asking my husband for a sewing machine for christmas...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sporting Clays: A Morning with the Boys

So as my first post, I'm going to introduce you to one of the many things I love to do and inpire me... I had the honor of shooting sporting clays this morning with my husband, brother in-law and father in-law to polish up on our marksmen skills prior to the fast-approaching hunting season... Shooting my shotgun to shooting my camera; what a great way to start the day and de-stress after a long week! PULL!


You can also check this post on my Facebook page: Sporting Clays: A Morning with the Boys